Term 4 2014 - Mandala Madness!

Term 4 2014 - Mandala Madness!
Check out our amazing, intricate, detailed Mandala patterns!

Term 3, 2015 - String Art

Term 3, 2015 - String Art
Bringing back the old school, with a touch of new! Stay tuned...

Term 2, 2015 - Doodle Art!

Term 2, 2015 - Doodle Art!
In Term 2, 15 students took 10 lessons on doodle art! We had a great time learning about this artistic skill.

Term 1 2015 - Perspecitives

Term 1 2015 - Perspecitives
Learning to use watercolour paints and paint perspectives - heaps of fun!

2014 - Murals on School Values

2014 - Murals on School Values
Family, Caring for others, Tolerance and Peace are now displayed at the entrance to our school!

2014 - School Mosaics

2014 - School Mosaics
Mosaics created by Year 7/8 students to welcome visitors to our school!

Tigers in the Mist - 2014

Tigers in the Mist - 2014
Azure creating a tiger masterpiece, based on the book he was reading in his classroom.

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

String Art - Julien Salaud

Julien Salaud
Imagine using string + lights to create a cave for your audience to walk through, or using stuffed animal heads, nails and thread to create 3D animals? Julien makes bizarre art using these ideas... check out this article link for more...
Stellar Cave

Stellar Animals


  1. I really like this piece of string art because I love the colour of it and I really like the way he/she made animals out of the string which was pretty amazing From Paige

  2. This string art that I really love is the stellar cave. What I really love about this string art is the bright colour. It really stands out and glows the sametime.

    From Lauren Fifita.

  3. This piece of artwork is beautiful. Stellar animals I really like how the colour stands out, the animals look very peaceful and I admire this piece of string art.
    By Patosina

  4. I really like this piece of art it is really unique and beautiful.I really love how all the animals are standing out with colour.

    By Ajani

  5. Hi ladies - I am so glad you have been able to have a look at this artist - yes, I think he is amazing! Imagine walking through his string caves and seeing the glowing animals all around you! What a cool experience that would have been!
